TADS 3 Library Translation Resources

This page is designed to be a starting point for people who plan to translate the adv3 library to other languages. We plan to gather resources here for translators - notes, documentation, sample translations.

Right now, this is more of a prototype than an actual resource list, but we're setting it up in the hope that it serves as an accretion site for more information.

Here are the resources we have so far...

English vs Italian. These are some notes by Max Bianchi from his exploratory work on creating an Italian translation. From Max: "These are only notes about translation issues, not an essay... I provided some examples, maybe too few. There's no code, but grammar rules that the library should be able to understand/cope with."

Translation architecture of the library. Michel Nizette posted this note to the tads3 mailing list, giving a nice overview of the way the library is designed for translation.