TopicActionclassaction.t[5727], en_us.t[9125]

An action with a topic phrase as its only object, such as "think about <topic>".

The grammar rules that produce these actions must set topicMatch to the topic match tree.

Because we don't have any actual resolved objects, we're based on IAction. Subclasses that implement particular topic actions should override execAction() to carry out the action; this method can call the getTopic() method of self to get a string giving the topic.

Modified in en_us.t[9125]:
English-specific additions for verbs taking a topic phrase as the sole object.

class TopicAction :   TopicActionBase   IAction

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  


Summary of Properties  


Inherited from TopicActionBase :
topicList_  topicQualResolver_  topicResolver_ 

Inherited from Action :
actionTime  afterActionMainList  beforeAfterObjs  defaultForRecursion  extraMessageParams  implicitMsg  includeInUndo  isImplicit  isRepeatable  iterationCanceled  originalAction  parentAction  preCond  pronounOverride  remappedFrom  showDefaultReports  synthParamID  verbFlags  verifiedOkay 

Inherited from BasicProd :
firstTokenIndex  isSpecialResponseMatch  lastTokenIndex 

Summary of Methods  

getQuestionInf  getVerbPhrase  resolveNouns  setObjectMatches  setResolvedObjects  whatObj 

Inherited from TopicActionBase :
createTopicResolver  getMessageParam  getTopic  getTopicQualifierResolver  getTopicResolver  reparseMatchAsTopic  resolveTopic  setResolvedTopic  setTopicMatch 

Inherited from IAction :

Inherited from Action :
actionOfKind  addBeforeAfterObj  afterAction  afterActionMain  announceActionObject  announceAllDefaultObjects  announceDefaultObject  beforeAction  beforeActionMain  cacheMultiObjectAnnouncements  callAfterActionMain  callCatchAllProp  callPreConditions  callVerifyPreCond  callVerifyProp  cancelIteration  checkAction  checkPreConditions  checkRemapping  combineRemappedVerifyResults  createActionFrom  createActionInstance  createTopicQualifierResolver  doAction  doActionOnce  execAction  filterAmbiguousWithVerify  filterFacets  filterPluralWithVerify  finishResolveList  getAnaphoricBinding  getCurrentObjects  getDefaultWithVerify  getEnteredVerbPhrase  getImplicitPhrase  getInfPhrase  getMatchForRole  getNotifyTable  getObjectForRole  getObjPreCondDescList  getObjPreConditions  getObjResponseProd  getOriginalAction  getOrigTokenList  getOtherObjectRole  getParticiplePhrase  getPreCondDescList  getPreCondPropForRole  getPredicate  getPronounOverride  getRemappedFrom  getRemapPropForRole  getResolvedObjList  getResolveInfo  getRoleFromIndex  getSimpleSynonymRemap  getSortedVerifyResults  getVerifyPropForRole  initTentative  isConversational  isNestedIn  isPartOf  isRemapped  makeResolveInfo  makeResolveInfoList  maybeAnnounceDefaultObject  maybeAnnounceImplicit  maybeAnnounceMultiObject  noMatch  notifyBeforeAfter  objListPronoun  preAnnounceActionObject  recalcSenseContext  repeatAction  resetAction  resolveAction  resolvedObjectsInScope  runBeforeNotifiers  saveActionForAgain  setCurrentObjects  setImplicit  setMessageParam  setMessageParams  setNested  setOriginalAction  setPronounOverride  setRemapped  spPrefix  spSuffix  synthMessageParam  verifyAction  verifyHandlersExist  whatTranslate  withVerifyResults  zeroActionTime 

Inherited from BasicProd :
canResolveTo  getOrigText  setOrigTokenList 



we have a topic noun phrase


getQuestionInf (which)OVERRIDDENen_us.t[9140]

handle this as though the topic text were a direct object phrase

getVerbPhrase (inf, ctx)OVERRIDDENen_us.t[9133]
use the same processing as TAction

resolveNouns (issuingActor, targetActor, results)OVERRIDDENaction.t[5732]
Resolve objects. We don't actually have any normal objects to resolve, but we do have to get the resolved topic phrase.

setObjectMatches (topic)OVERRIDDENaction.t[5749]
manually set the pre-resolved match trees

setResolvedObjects (topic)OVERRIDDENaction.t[5742]
manually set the resolved objects

whatObj (which)OVERRIDDENen_us.t[9127]
get an interrogative word for an object of the action

TADS 3 Library Manual
Generated on 5/16/2013 from TADS version 3.1.3