Message Parameter Substitutions

If you've looked at the TADS 3 library (known as "adv3"), you've probably noticed some funny-looking syntax in many of the response message strings, where certain words are enclosed in curly braces. Things like this:

   {You/he} see{s} nothing unusual about {it dobj/him}.

You obviously wouldn't want those curly braces and slashes and so on to show up in the actual output that the player sees, and indeed they don't, so you can probably guess that the curly-brace parts are placeholders that the library replaces with something appropriate to the situation. You can probably also get a pretty good idea of how to use these special strings in your own messages just from reading enough of the library messages and piecing together the pattern. This article is designed to help you understand the details of the message parameters and how to use them.

An example

The full explanations later in the article might get a little abstract, so let's start with a simple example and see how it works. The format strings were meant to be fairly intuitive just looking at them; if we can understand how they're actually used in practice, it should help with the more abstract material below.

Let's use the same example we saw earlier:

   {You/he} see{s} nothing unusual about {it dobj/him}.

For starters, we know that the parts in curly braces are the substitution strings, so we have "{You/he}", "{s}", and "{it dobj/him}". The library replaces each one individually, so let's look at them one by one.

{You/he}. Whenever the library sees a substitution string that uses a second-person pronoun, it replaces it with a word that relates to the actor carrying out the current command. ("Second-person" is the grammatical term for words that refer to the person being address by a sentence: "you", "yourself", "your", etc.) The library uses this convention simply because it's traditional (though certainly not universal) for adventure games to refer to the player character in the second person. The library uses second-person pronouns like this because it makes the substitution strings resemble what most authors would naturally write anyway, if the substitution scheme didn't exist. But note that this isn't just "{You}": it's "{You/he}". The extra "/he" part is there to tell us whether the word is the subject of the sentence or the object of the verb; in English, the second-person pronoun is "you" in either case, so we can't tell which it is just with "{You}". Finally, note that the first letter is upper-case: this tells the library that the string it substitutes should also be capitalized.

{s}. This is a parameter that the library replaces with either an "s" or nothing, as needed to make the verb agree with the subject. So, if the library replaces the "{You/he}" with "You", it'll replace the "{s}" with nothing, because "you see" is the correct subject-verb agreement; if "{You/he}" is replaced with "Bob", then "{s}" will be replaced by "s", because in this case we'd want the sentence to start "Bob sees".

{it dobj/him}. The "it" tells the library that you want to use a pronoun here. The "dobj" says that you want that pronoun to be the appropriate one for the direct object of the current action ("dobj" stands for direct object). The "/him" part goes with the "it"; this tells the library that you specifically want to use an "objective case" pronoun. "It" by itself doesn't carry enough information here, which is why we need the extra "/him" to go with it: the same word "it" works equally well in nominative and objective cases in English. An "objective case" pronoun, by the way, is one that's used as the object of a verb rather than as the subject. "He" can only be the subject, which is called "nominative" case, and "him" can only be the object of the verb: "he pets the dog" and "the dog bites him."

Note that the "dobj" in {it dobj/him} does not indicate the grammatical function of the word in the sentence being displayed. Rather, it selects the direct object from the current action. For example, you could have written "{It dobj/he} look{s} perfectly ordinary," in which case we're still using "dobj" even though it's now serving as the subject of the displayed sentence. Note that "dobj" has stayed the same, but we're now using "it/he" to tell the library that this word is to be in the nominative case, since it's the subject of the sentence.

You might be wondering why "{You/he}" and "{s}" stand on their own, while "{it dobj/him}" required the "dobj" part to tell us which command object we're talking about. The reasons are different for the two cases. For "{You/he}", there's no object specified because the "you" part implies that the command's actor is the object. In the case of "{s}", we omit any object reference because we simply want to use the same object as we did for "{You/he}"; when the object is missing, the library uses the same object it used for the immediately preceding substitution.

That should give you a concrete reference point for how these strings are used. Now we'll go into the details.

The problems that parameters solve

At first glance, you might wonder why the library goes to such trouble to use these message parameters, rather than just using the literal text. The answer is that the message parameters make it possible for a single library message to be re-used in several different contexts.

First, parameterized messages make it possible for the same message to describe an action by the player character or by a non-player character. For the most part, the TADS 3 library tries to treat player and non-player characters as interchangeable; when processing a command, for example, the library doesn't make any assumption that the player character is the one performing the command. If the messages all said things like "You open the flask," though, it would be almost useless to have such actor independence in the rest of the library: we'd carry out an NPC's actions correctly, but the descriptions would be all wrong.

Substitution parameters help a lot with this. Rather than saying "You open the flask," we say "{You/he} open{s} the flask". The "{you/he}" turns into "you" if the player character is doing the opening, or "Bob" if Bob is. Likewise, the "{s}" turns into an empty string for the player character, because the correct verb agreement for "you" is "open" with no suffix; but if Bob is doing the opening, the "{s}" turns into "s", so we have the proper subject-verb agreement, "Bob opens".

Second, parameters make it a lot easier to plug in the names of the other objects apart from the actor performing the command. Rather than having to call some method on the indirect object, we can simply plug in a curly-brace string with the special identifier "dobj". There's also an "iobj" identifier for the indirect object. What's more, we can define our own additional parameter names and associate them with any objects we want. So, we can simply say something like "{You/he} open{s} {the dobj/him}", rather than calling some method on the flask object to get its "the" name. (Internally, of course, the library does call a method on the flask object to get its "the" name. It's just that it's less work for us to write it with the curly braces.)

Third, the parameters make it easy to switch the "person" of the narration. Since we've already parameterized the subject and verb for each message that refers to an actor performing a command, we can easily tell the player character Actor object whether we want it to refer to itself as "I", "you", "he", "she", "we", "they", or whatever else. By default, the library uses the second person, "you", but that can be changed simply by changing a property (referralPerson) of the player character's Actor object.

Format of parameter strings

As we've already seen, substitution parameters are enclosed in curly braces, "{ }". The library takes out everything between and including the curly braces and replaces it with the appropriate substitution string.

Within the braces, the format is fairly simple. There's always a "format type" string, and sometimes there's an "object selector" string.

The "format type" string tells the library the precise grammatical function of the word you want to use in the final string. When the library was designed, one possibility we thought about was using a grammatical term, like "nominative-noun" or "objective-pronoun"; but that would have been a lot of work to keep straight, so instead we chose to use essentially an unambiguous example of the word or phrase desired.

For example, instead of something like "{nominative-pronoun}", the library uses "{you/he}", because that's an unambiguous example of nominative pronouns. Why the two words and the slash, though? The answer is that "you" is too ambiguous by itself: in English, the word "you" is both the nominative and objective form of the second-person pronoun. We could have just used "he", but, as we'll see in a moment, we needed a second-person pronoun here. So, we added the "/he" to make it unambiguous that we want the nominative case (the objective form of "he" is "him", so we can be sure when we see "he" that we're not talking about the objective case).

Not every format type has a slash in it. The slash is only used when necessary to remove ambiguity. Don't worry - you won't have to figure out whether a string is ambiguous or not; just look up the string you want in the table below.

The "object selector," if it's present, is separated from the format type by a space. This string indicates which of the current action's objects is being referred to. The object selector is optional for two reasons. First, some of the format types imply an object selector; in particular, all of the second-person types ("you/he", "you/him", "you're", and others) imply that we're referring to the target actor of the current action. Second, when a format type doesn't imply an object, then the default object in the absence of an object selector is the same as the object from the immediately preceding substitution string. This is often handy for noun-verb agreement: we specify an object selector for the noun, and then we don't have to specify it again if the verb closely follows because we know we'll get the same object again.

A full table of defined object selectors is below.

There's one more thing to know about the format of the parameter strings. When the format type has a slash in it, you can optionally move the slash part so that it comes after the object selector. For example, with format type "the/he", and object selector "dobj", the standard form of the string would be "{the/he dobj}". However, if we want, we can move the "/he" so that it comes after the object selector, so we'd write "{the dobj/he}". The two forms mean exactly the same thing. The reason the library allows both formats is that it's often more readable to use the second form: you can read it as "the direct object," and the "/he" is just a silent extra bit that tells us we're using this as the subject of the sentence.


Capitalization of the replacement text follows capitalization of the format string text. If the first letter of a substitution string is capitalized, then the replacement text will have its first letter converted to upper-case. If the first two letters of the substitution string is capitalized, then the entire replacement text will be converted to upper-case.


In English, if the same thing is referred to as both the subject of the sentence and as an object of a verb phrase, then the second appearance of the thing is usually phrased as a "reflexive," which is one of the pronouns ending in "self": yourself, himself, itself, and so on. For example: in "Bob slapped himself with the herring," Bob is both the subject of the sentence and the direct object of the verb, so the direct object is phrased reflexively.

The library tries to make sure that reflexives are used when appropriate. To do this, it keeps track of several things.

Pre-defined object selectors

The English library defines the following object selectors:

Selector StringObject
actorThe actor performing the command. This is the actor to whom the command is directed, which is normally the player character unless the player explicit used the "actor, do this" phrasing.
dobjThe direct object of the command.
iobjThe indirect object of the command.

Note that literal phrases and topic phrases are not available as message substitution parameters. These aren't available because they're not represented as game objects, and hence don't have pronouns and so forth associated with them.

Game-defined object selectors

It's sometimes convenient to add your own special object selectors for a particular message. This is handy when you need to refer to an object that isn't actually part of the command but is related in some way to a command object, such as the direct object's container.

The object selectors are managed by the current Action. The Action class lets you to register arbitrary new object selectors with the setMessageParam() method:

   gAction.setMessageParam('myobj', bob);

Note that the parameter is registered directly with the current Action, so it only lasts as long as the current command is being processed.

The library provides a convenience macro that makes it a little less work to register your own selector, but it requires that you have a local (or parameter) variable containing the object you want to register. If you have your object in a local variable, you can do this:

   local myobj = bob;

This registers the object currently stored in the local variable, and it uses the local variable's name as the object selector. So, once you've done this, you can use your selector in a message string:

   return 'It would be pointless to slap {that myobj/him}. ';

The gMessageParams() macro can register more than one variable at a time; just list the variables to register, separated by commas. This macro simply calls gAction.setMessageParam(), so it's not doing anything special, but it makes the code a little more compact.

Full list of format type names

The English library defines the format types in the table below. First, an explanation of the columns.

The String column gives the format type string that's used in substitution strings.

The Property column gives the property that the library uses to get the name of the target object. To get the substitution string for "{that/he dobj}", for example, the library evaluates the thatNom property of the direct object of the current command.

The Implied Object Selector column gives the object selector that will be used for a substitution involving this format type when the substitution string doesn't include an object selector at all.

The Reflexive Property column gives the property, if any, that's used to obtain the reflexive form of the target object's name. If this is empty, it means that the format type doesn't have a reflexive form, in which case it will always use the standard property (from the Property column).

The Subject? column indicates whether or not the format type is the subject of the sentence. The library uses this to keep track of when to use the reflexive form for subsequent substitutions.

StringPropertyImplied Object
s/?edsee note 1--Yes

A few notes:

Timing of parameter substitution

Substitution parameters are handled at two points in the output process.

First, the standard "results" macros (for verifications and for actions: illogical(), illogicalNow(), mainReport(), reportFailure(), and so on) replace any parameters on the spot. These macros all perform substitutions immediately to ensure that the strings are processed in the context of the correct action.

Second, any strings that aren't processed earlier are processed as a last resort by an output filter on the main output stream. The library automatically installs a substitution filter on the main output stream during initialization, so all strings displayed on the main game console will be processed before actually being written to the display.