
Disambiguation Ranking. This is a special version of the command ranker that we use to rank the intepretations of a disambiguation response.

class DisambigRanking :   CommandRanking

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  


Summary of Properties  

disambigOrdinalCount  nounSlotCount  rankingCriteria 

Inherited from CommandRanking :
actorSpecifiedCount  allExcludedCount  allowActionRemapping  ambigCount  commandCount  emptyButCount  endAdjCount  indefiniteCount  inSingleObjSlot  insufficientCount  inTopicSlot  listForSingle  literalLength  match  miscWordListCount  missingCount  nonMatchCount  nonMatchPossCount  pluralTruncCount  pronounCount  tokCount  truncCount  unknownWordCount  unwantedPluralCount  vocabNonMatchCount  weaknessLevel 

Summary of Methods  

noteDisambigOrdinal  noteOrdinalOutOfRange 

Inherited from CommandRanking :
allNotAllowed  ambiguousNounPhrase  askMissingObject  beginSingleObjSlot  beginTopicSlot  calcRanking  compareRanking  construct  emptyNounPhrase  endSingleObjSlot  endTopicSlot  getImpliedObject  incCommandCount  insufficientQuantity  noMatch  noMatchForAll  noMatchForAllBut  noMatchForListBut  noMatchForLocation  noMatchForPossessive  noMatchForPronoun  noMatchPossessive  noteActorSpecified  noteAdjEnding  noteBadPrep  noteEmptyBut  noteIndefinite  noteLiteral  noteMatches  noteMiscWordList  noteNounSlots  notePlural  notePronoun  noteWeakPhrasing  nothingInLocation  noVocabMatch  reflexiveNotAllowed  singleObjectRequired  sortByRanking  uniqueObjectRequired  unknownNounPhrase  wrongReflexive  zeroQuantity 



number of list ordinals in the match

disambiguation commands have no verbs, so there's no verb structure to rank; so just use an arbitrary noun slot count

Add the ordinal count ranking criterion at the end of the inherited list of ranking criteria. If we can't find any differences on the basis of the other criteria, choose the interpretation that uses fewer ordinal phrases. (We prefer an non-ordinal interpretation, because this will prefer matches to explicit vocabulary for objects over matches for generic ordinals.)

Insert the 'ordinal' rule just before the 'indefinite' rule - avoiding an ordinal match is more important.


noteDisambigOrdinal ( )disambig.t[312]

note a list ordinal (i.e., "the first one" to refer to the first item in the ambiguous list) - we take list ordinals as less desirable than treating ordinal words as adjectives or nouns

noteOrdinalOutOfRange (ord)disambig.t[301]
note the an ordinal response is out of range

TADS 3 Library Manual
Generated on 5/16/2013 from TADS version 3.1.3